The preparation and visible-light photocatalytic properties of floating hollow glass microspheres involve the synthesis of these microspheres and their utilization as photocatalysts under visible light. Here is a general overview of the process:

  1. Synthesis of Floating Hollow Glass Microspheres:
    • Selection of Materials: The raw materials for the hollow glass microspheres are chosen, typically including a silica source and a foaming agent.
    • Mixing: The raw materials are mixed together to form a homogeneous mixture.
    • Foaming: The mixture is heated, causing the foaming agent to release gas, leading to the formation of bubbles in the mixture.
    • Thermal Treatment: The foamed mixture is subjected to a thermal treatment process, which solidifies and stabilizes the glass structure.
    • Cooling and Collection: The resulting hollow glass microspheres are cooled and collected for further use.
  2. Photocatalytic Modification:
    • Photocatalyst Loading: The floating hollow glass microspheres are impregnated or coated with a visible-light-active photocatalyst. Commonly used photocatalysts include metal oxides (e.g., titanium dioxide doped with nitrogen or other metals) or other semiconductor materials.
    • Photocatalyst Deposition: The photocatalyst is deposited onto the surface of the microspheres through techniques like sol-gel deposition, precipitation, or chemical vapor deposition.
  3. Photocatalytic Properties:
    • Visible-Light Activation: The modified floating hollow glass microspheres possess visible-light-responsive photocatalytic properties, allowing them to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) or other highly oxidative species under visible light illumination.
    • Photodegradation: The photocatalytic properties enable the microspheres to effectively degrade organic pollutants or harmful compounds in water or air through oxidation or other chemical reactions.
    • Floating Capability: The hollow structure of the microspheres provides buoyancy, allowing them to float on the surface of the liquid, which is advantageous for applications in water treatment or environmental remediation.
  4. Characterization and Evaluation:
    • Photocatalytic Efficiency: The photocatalytic performance of the floating hollow glass microspheres is assessed through various techniques, including degradation efficiency measurements, evaluation of reaction kinetics, and comparison with other photocatalytic materials.
    • Material Characterization: The modified microspheres are characterized using techniques such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) to analyze their structural and chemical properties.

The preparation and visible-light photocatalytic properties of floating hollow glass microspheres can vary depending on the specific synthesis methods, choice of materials, and the type of photocatalyst used. These microspheres have potential applications in environmental remediation, water treatment, and other fields where visible-light-responsive photocatalysis is desirable.